If you have great talents, industry will improve them; if you have but moderate abilities, industry will supply their deficiency. 如果你很有天赋,勤奋会使其完善;如果你能力一般,勤奋能补足其缺陷。
Hanke says oil prices would moderate if supply were increased and world demand leveled off or subsided. 汉克说,如果增加供应和世界需求不变或者减少,油价会出现缓和。
Having or characterized by moderate or a well-balanced supply of moisture. 有适度的或平衡的湿度特性。
Further moderate, gradual increases in energy prices could apparently be accommodated without major impact on the nation's food supply. 能源价格进一步适度的和逐步的提高,显然能在不影响国家粮食供应的情况下得到实现。
If you have but moderate abilities, industry will supply their deficiency. 如果你能力一般,勤勉能补足你的缺陷。
She says it is better to have a moderate pandemic with a large supply of vaccines, rather than a severe pandemic with inadequate supplies of vaccine. 她说,为比较轻微的流行准备大量的疫苗总比疾病严重流行却疫苗不足好的多。
If you have both excess skin and fat one can combine tummy tuck with liposuction, but it has to be moderate liposuction to preserve the blood supply to the skin. 如果您有多余的皮肤和脂肪可以结合腹部与吸脂抱膝,但它必须保持适度吸脂的血液供应皮肤。
A-share valuations are likely to moderate over time as earnings rise and new share supply is increased, while the QDII and through-train programmes will support a continued re-rating in H-share prices, Ms Ulrich says. 随着企业收益提高和新股发行量增加,A股的估值水平可能逐渐会变得适中,而QDII和港股直通车计划将为H股价格的持续调整提供支撑,李晶表示。
The effects of moderate acute normovolemic hemodilution on intestinal oxygen supply and 急性中度等容血液稀释对小肠氧输送和氧耗的影响
Moderate Supply of Lottery Varieties and Constraints of Market and Government 博彩品种的适度供给与市场、政府约束
Research indicated that the moderate temperature UASB system will run well without extra energy supply in Chongqing and other area where annual temperature is above 14.2 ℃, and the fermentation temperature can be maintained above 28 ℃. 研究结果表明:在年平均气温高于14.2℃的地区,不需要额外的燃料补充即可使用该系统进行中温厌氧处理废水,发酵温度可维持在28℃以上。
Conclusions because of its function of moderate degree of inhibition to the stress respones and its ability of keeping balance of cerebral oxygen supply and consumption, the anesthetic technique of PRO group is better for brain tumor resection surgery. 结论从维持脑氧供需平衡和抑制应激反应总体来看,全凭异丙酚麻醉更利于脑瘤手术的脑保护作用。
Suggestions to moderate contradiction between supply and demand of domestic diesel 缓和我国柴油供需矛盾的建议
When moderate and high water stress treatments restarted water supply, day increasement of theirs are more than that of light water stress treatments. 中、重度水分胁迫处理在恢复供水后株高的日增长量高于轻度处理。
Also moderate N supply could increase the photosynthetic pigment contents and promote the plant growth. 合适的供氮水平可提高光合色素的含量,促进植株生长。
By comparison, the paper selected the data of regression analysis obtained. Finally, by comparing the level of the two found modest scale, we found in most years the moderate scale of the demand is greater than the moderate scale of the supply. 通过比较后,选取了回归分析法所得到的数据。最后,通过比较两个适度规模的水平发现,大多数年份中外汇储备的需求适度规模大于供给的适度规模。
So only moderate scale of standardization breeding, so as to improve the pig industry is benefit, ensure the effective supply and took to the circular economy sustainable development road. 2. 所以只有标准化适度规模养殖,才能提高生猪产业比较效益,保障有效供给,走上循环经济可持续发展道路。
The Empirical results further validate the theoretical conclusions of the study: the effects pathway of money supply on economic growth is unimpeded, and moderate money supply is conducive to economic growth. 实证结果进一步验证了本文理论研究的结论:我国货币供应量对经济增长影响的传导途径是畅通的,适度的货币供应量有利于经济增长。
The reasons for drug regulation include relieving the problem of asymmetric information, protecting moderate competition, ensuring the effective supply of public goods and increasing the effective supply of non-market value goods. 药品政府管制产生的主要原因包括:缓解信息不对称、保护适度竞争、保障公共物品的有效供给和增进非市场性价值物品的有效供给。